Sunday 15 December 2013


Went out last Friday to meet up with Vanessa, Shericia and Lynn. This bunch of crazy friends I have are honestly the best people I have ever met in my life. They are actually the most impt friends I have from sec school and I always try to meet up with them to catch up(: It's hard sometimes because of our different busy schedules but it's all worth it.

Before I met them, I went to get my nails done! I'm so glad I finally have Christmas nails! Spent such a long time at the shop deciding what design to get. For those interested, I got my nails done at Dolish Nail Spa. It's quite a small shop actually but that's what I like about it. It gives you a cosy feeling and everyone isn't so rushed! I used to go to Nail Palace and I can nvr sit in peace cause everyone is just so busy and the place is noisy haha! There's only 1 person working on weekdays at DNS so I was the only customer in the shop. Anddddddd after 1h and 45mins of sitting there and talking to the girl doing my nails, here's the end product!!!


My nails reminds me of the Christmas lyrics which goes "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" and "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow" haha! 

Anw, Lynn was a little late so we made our way to Raffles Hotel to snap some pictures first. I always have to bring my DSLR out when I'm with them cause they just love taking photos. And they're always so willing to help me take my outfit pics :D I think it's beginning to be like a custom. Whenever we go out, they'll help me take some photos then we'll take group shots.


After Lynn arrived, we shopped around for awhile and then decided to watch Frozen. Lynn and Shericia both have actually watched it before but after 5 mins of Vanessa and I gng "watch it again, watch it again", they decided to watch it again hehehe.

My nails just happen to match the Movie title haha! Anw, Frozen is really a heartwarming and touching movie. It's one of those Disney movies where you don't mind rewatching it. It definitely resembles Tangled at some parts but that's understandable cause they are directed by the same director. Do catch it if you have not! Definitely not one to miss(:

We then went round taking more photos like we always do.


Moving on, we decided to have dinner at Kith Cafe. The last time I went to Kith Cafe, it was a few days before my birthday and I went with Vanessa and Shericia which you can read about it here. This time, we didn't have to wait for seats cause it was past dinner time alr. We got there at about 8pm.


I can't rmb the exact names of the dishes but basically they were tuna, mushroom and bacon sandwiches. All of us found it pretty average though. They gave a little too much bread. Hence, all of us couldn't finish all the bread haha! Other than that, the mushroom sandwich that I had was pretty good! I just love eating sauteed mushrooms. They are one of my favourite dishes(: We stayed there till about 9.20pm talking and talking about everything.

Ended the night with a bus ride with Shericia home. Spent the 45mins having heart to heart talks and sharing about everything that's been going on in our lives. The next time we're meeting up will be near Christmas and I'm alr looking forward to it(:

"Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself..."" 
C.S. Lewis

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