Monday 28 October 2013

Thor: The Dark World

Hey guys! I'm back to talk about another movie that has caught my eye and it's none other then *cues drum roll* Thor: The Dark World!!! Superhero movies are a classic and I say this with all my heart, they are never ever boring. Many of us like superhero movies for different reasons. Be it the action involved, the idea of a good person in society or even the love story that is entailed. Funny story but my PW group was talking about Thor today in school. Well Jia Lin and Lynne are obsessed with Loki and think that he's really good looking haha! They could rmb specific scenes in the trailer such as when Natalie Portman slapped Loki and he said that he likes her. Then they started spazzing out tgt haha!

There's just smth about superhero movies that draws your attention to it. Every time a new movie of this genre comes out, it tends to be a hit and is one of the block busters of the year. Remember Avengers from last year? Well you probably do because it had such a profound impact on all of us. The plot was just sooooo cool and we are all eagerly waiting for the next one to come out. In fact, for orientation this year, SR's theme was Stronger As One. This was inspired by Avengers which teaches us the power of different people coming together and being 'one'. Everyday, they would change the main character and had funny actions for them haha! Brings back so much memories(:

Well I'm sure Thor would be no different. I'm so excited to catch this movie because I'm a sucker for such shows. I love how superhero movies are not too violent or gory yet there's the right amount of action involved. There's also always a plot twist which leave you seating at the edge of your seats, eager to find out what will happen next. Watching it in a cinema with your friends is all the more better because of the sound effects.

On a side note, do you find yourself hoping that the good guy will win in the end? Call me old fashion but I just love it when good wins haha! I do have friends that want the bad guys to win cause according to them, it's too boring when good guys win. Well I hate it when they do and love it when they fail haha!

After talking so much, you guys are probably eager to see the trailer! Well enjoy!

Here's an interesting question for you to think about and buzz around with your friends. If you had Thor's Mjolner for a day, what would you do with it? Personally I would arrest all the bad guys. Not kidding, I'll just like magically 'push' all of them to jail using the force of the Mjolner hohoho. And it'll be nice if I could summon the rain when it's 35 degrees. Did you know that Thor's Mjolner can actually track a person? Yes, I did my research. Thor fan here! It'll be nice to have the ability to track a person. That way you'll know where someone is at any time of the day. Ok sounds really freaky and stalkerish but think about it, now you don't have to worry about a teacher walking pass when you're doing your hw HAHA! That happened to a few of my friends and they panicked like crazy after. Also let's pray that my teachers don't read my blog haha!

What are you waiting for? Catch Marvel’s Thor: The Dark World” in Singapore cinemas this 31 October 2013! For more updates, like the Official Marvel’s Thor: The Dark World Singapore Facebook Page, and subscribe to the Official Marvel Singapore YouTube Channel!

"I must go back to Asgard, but I give you my word. I will return for you."

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