Tuesday 20 August 2013





Started off the day rather unpleasantly today. Wasn't feeling well at school and my stomach was killing me. Pretty sure I ate smth wrong but I'm feeling a lot better now. Hopefully the pain won't come back! 

I'm comfortably seated on my massage chair as I blog about this outfit. Probably gona be an early night for me cause school has been draining me of all my energy. Can't wait for the Sept hols! Thought I should brighten up my day cause there's no point feeling crappy right? (:

I wore this comfy outfit out last weekend to the park to bring my dogs out! What's the most important thing about dressing for a walk in the park? Comfort. I knew I was gng to wear a pair of shorts and probably flip flops out on this day so I thought it would be appropriate to dress down. Now that's smth you don't hear me say often but you can still look good dressing down guys. This white top was perfect for this date! It wasn't too flimsy and neither was it too formal. I love tops like this where it isn't too overboard but isn't too slack as well. Moreover, the laser cut details at the bottom of it is really pretty! Kind of adds a little feminine touch to it don't you think?

You'll nvr ever catch me gng out in a plain T shirt and shorts. Well unless I'm gng out for awhile. I always get asked the question why don't you wear T shirts? T shirts generally just doesn't appeal to me. I'm someone who loves dressing up! I'm sure it's no surprise that I love clothes hahaha. I mean there's no point keeping them in your wardrobe and not wearing them out! I guess T shirts are too boring for me. 

Okay anw, I saw this top at X blog shop and it was selling it at $25. I thought it was an okay price cause that's generally what the prices are. Until I checked out another web that was selling it at only $13.50. Not a lot of price difference BUT I can imagine how cheated I would feel if I bought it from X blog shop. Which brings me to my next point. I bought this top from stargazingwithyou.com and you guys should check it out cause it lives true to it's motto! They are a genie for our wallets hehehe. If you're wondering about the quality, it's really good actually. I wasn't expecting fabulous cutting cause it was pretty cheap. This top definitely surprised me and the laser cute details are too pretty to give it a miss! One of the best and most worth it buys ever.

And my love for Zara continues... This pair of denim shorts are from Zara! My sister got them at a sale actually. I just love Zara sales! I nvr fail to find smth I like at a good price. I mean I don't mind paying for the original price but who doesn't love sales right? Can't wait for the GSS at the end of the year to start!

On a side note, I'm preparing for my promos now so I probably won't be gng out that often. Don't get me wrong. I'm not the mugger kind of student so I will still go out! Just not that often hahaha. I always believe that it's important to balance our studies and other commitments that I have ie. family and friends. People always ask me how do I cope with my studies while enjoying life at the same time. The answer is really simple actually, you only live life once. Greet everything with a smile and do the best you can. My parents recently told me about a friend of ours that passed away due to a car accident. It really dawned upon me that you'll nvr know what will happen the next day. We all know this but unless it happens to someone you know, it just doesn't seem real. My heart goes out to their family and it really saddens me that her son is actually the same age as me. Well live life to the fullest and learn to appreciate every single joy and even sorrow in life (:

Twinkle Lace - Stargazingwithyou
Denim Shorts - Zara
Havaianas - Urban Male
Brown Satchel - New Look

"Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak."
Rachel Zoe

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