Thursday 15 August 2013

M1 For Every One

Hey guys! I'm really super, uber, duper excited to share with you all a contest that is being held by M1! You can stand to win attractive prizes such as a Sony Xperia Tablet Z and Samsung GS4! You don't have to be a tech savy person to want one of those. I know I always find myself checking out these gadgets when I'm out.

I'm sure all of you guys know what M1 is. M1 has always been making sure that each of their customer receives the best service. Personally, I'm not an M1 user but I always see them coming up with new plans and promotions to try to meet our needs. Kudos to them! This year, they are even going an extra mile to listen to what each and every one of their customers want, and giving them exactly what they need. No matter how old you are, M1 was something meant for you. Thus, M1 For Every One! (:

You know the frustration you feel when your 3G loses connection? It happens soooooo often!!! Most of the time, in a tunnel or a lift. However, sometimes it can just suddenly lose connection suddenly and causes me to not be able to access the web. To be honest, it really bugs me a lot. You know how items from blog shops such as TTR, Love Bonito and Missypixie gets sold out really fast? Most of the time during their launch, I'm out so I can only use my phone to cart out the items. I'm not sure if I'm just unlucky but my 3G tends to not work during these crucial moments!! I always get a panic attack and find myself getting really jittery. Well finally there's a solution to that. 4G ftw!

Time to talk about the competition! It's really simple actually and you basically have to made a short video of yourself saying what you enjoy about 4G. It will only take less than 15 mins to film the video using a camera phone or even a web cam and you could be one of the lucky winners walking away with prizes such as a HTC One! Sounds enticing doesn't it hehehe. Below is a video which I've done to give you guys an idea of how it goes.

To break it down, here's a step by step guide on how you can go about creating your video.

Step 1: Find a large sheet of paper or whiteboard

Step 2: Write down what you love about 4G.

Step 3: Get someone to pass you your paper/whiteboard from your right

Step 4: Read out what you've written

Step 5: Pass it to your left

Step 6: Upload the video to M1's Facebook page

And TADAH! You're done! It's really as simple as ABC and you can do it during your free time.

Now some of you may wonder what's the point of this contest. Well M1 is positioning themselves as a telco that listens to its consumers' needs, and the Facebook contest is a platform for consumers(even if you're not a M1 use it's ok!) to tell M1 what they want. Now you can tell M1 what you want and what you hope can be improved!!! I'm so glad that there are companies out there that care about consumer's needs. On a side note, this is actually what I'm learning in Econs now hahaha. Ok back to the topic, it's really meaningful and now your voices can be heard(:

I can think of a few reasons why 4G is AWESOME. Well for starters, guess who's gona be 1 of the first to get her hands on the latest items from blog shops! Moreover, during break times in school, I can spend every minute watching Whose Line Is It Anyway and Ellen vids with my classmates without having to spend half the time streaming it. Oh! Not to mention the ability to be able to catch up on the latest tweets and insta photos!

Contest Details:
Name of Contest - M1 For Every One
Duration - 0000hrs on 15/8/13 to 2359hrs on 28/8/13
There will be 2 phases to this contest.
Phase 1 - 4G(What do you enjoy on 4G?)

Below are a list of mechanics to get you started
  • Like M1/s Facebook Page to get access to the app
  • Contestants will then submit a video of himself/herself holding a card, on the card will be written text(clear and readable), saying out loud what they enjoy on 4G on either Facebook contest page or Instagram
  • By the end of each phase, 5 winners will be selected and their videos will be sticked together into 1 video. This will be uploaded onto the Facebook contest page
  • Other than the 5 winners(for each phase), there will also be a lucky draw for everyone who submitted the video. Even if you're 1 of the 5 winners, you will still stand a chance of winning in this lucky draw
  • Here are the prizes: Fortnightly Winners - Participants whose videos gets featured will win:
          Weeks 1 & 2: 5 x HTC One
          Weeks 3 & 4: 5 x Samsung GS 4

Lucky Draw - Participants who had submitted videos(which are approved and deemed to qualify) will stand a chance to win:
Weeks 1 & 2: 5 x Sony Xperia Tablet Z, 5 x Galazy Note 10.1
Weeks 3 & 4: 5 x Sony Xperia Tablet, 5 x Galaxy Note 10.1

YES YOU STAND A CHANCE TO WIN THESE PRIZES!! As long as your video is qualified, you get to take part in a lucky draw! The prizes are sooooooo good! It definitely caught my attention. I mean I can actually get my hands on 1 of these amazing gadgets just by doing up a simple video in less than 15 mins hohoho.

Well that's all folks! Have a lovely week ahead and have fun buzzing around with your friends about the competition. To all my classmates, you're gona hear me go on and on about this contest hehehe.

PS. I'm entering the contest too!

"Linking anyone and anything; anytime, anywhere."

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