Sunday 7 July 2013

Gallop Away Horsey!

This post is going to be about my short but memorable 15 mins encounter with a horse(: I always see photos on IG of a human's encounter with a horse but sadly, there aren't a lot of horsies in Singapore. Sometimes I wish I live in Australia where there are animals everywhere. Might be planning a trip to Australia at the end of the year and if I do, I'd definitely want to stay on a farm.

After we left Pasarbella, we were on our way to Orchard. Right next to Pasarbella is a place called Horsecity which of course, had horses in it. We didn't plan to go there actually and what made me notice the place wasn't cause of its horses but dogs instead. We drove pass a pool and I saw a dog swimming in it. Having 2 dogs myself, I thought it was really interesting cause I always wondered if my dogs can swim hahaha. I would love to bring them swimming one day! So Rifdi said we can drive in for awhile since we still had time(: I was secretly squealing inside when he said that hehe.

We drove in to the carpark and saw that there was grace parking for 15 mins so we made it a point to leave by 15 mins hahaha. I originally wanted to check out the pool for dogs but the first thing that I saw was a white horse. A beautiful, pure white horse was just standing about 50m away from me. Being a Disney girl, I've always dreamt about a Prince Charming on a white horse. Unfortunately, no Prince Charming was to be found but it's okay, I'll settle for the white horse. I couldn't touch the white horse though because it was in a fenced area and it was standing in the middle ): But here is a photo of the beauty!

It's such a beauty right! I wish I had a horse lol. Okay but this isn't the main point of this post. My 15 mins encounter was with another horse. I asked Rifdi to help me take a photo with this horse but he said that it probably won't turn out nice cause we were too far away. Instead, he suggested taking a photo with another horse that was nearer. And then it happened. I turned around and there was a horse in a smaller fence. I suppose it's a small fence cause it's a 'you can touch the horse' kind of area. I mean if the fence was big, you won't be able to touch it. 

I ran over and was originally afraid to touch it at first. However, I saw a woman happily stroking it and it seemed so cool! So I took a leap of faith and touched it on his head. The horse seemed to like it actually and sticked his head out for me to stroke it(: I was so happy but got a shock at the same time cause his head suddenly sticked out of the fence haha. Speaking about getting a shock, my sister is apparently quite timid(never knew) and got a shock from the horsey's sudden movemenets. Check out her expression!

This is the horse that made me fell in love with horses. I can't wait to go back again to check out their horses(: Preferably more than 15 mins haha. It's not a pure white horse thought. It's mainly white but with brown spots on it. I still prefer the white horse that I originally saw but had a stronger bond with this one cause I could touch it. As weird as it sounds, this horse is special to me cause it's kind of the first time I touched a horse. I mean I've rode on a horse before but it was so long ago and I can't really rmb! So I'll just treat this as my first real encounter with a horse.

Here are some clearer pictures of it!

It's quite sad though cause there were quite a few flies on it. I wonder if it annoys the horse. But then again, the fly is so small and the horse is so big. Maybe the horse doesn't even feel it. Hopefully if not it'll annoy it so much! This horse was eating at the time we were there actually so it kept lowering its head to eat ): Had to keep calling out smth like ''Horsey please stick your head out again" hahaha. I'm sure everyone thought I was 10 or smth. But it seemed to understand me and did let me stroke it quite often(:

It was a really short encounter with this horse but I am so happy! I even told my sister I want to ride on a horse for my birthday present hahaha! Definitely going to go back there again. If you're gona check out Pasarbella, you can drop by Horsecity too. I didn't have time to wander around that day but I'll definitely roam around the next time I'm there. Would blog about it again if I do!

So here are some lovely pics snapped by Rifdi and no in those shots where we weren't looking at the camera, we weren't posing for the camera but were genuinely smiling cause it was so much fun!


Horsecity is also near Saddle Club where I blogged about Riders Cafe. Riders Cafe is located at Saddle Club and this one is at Horsecity. Both places are near but they aren't the same place so don't get confused!

Row Row Your Boat Top in Navy Stripes - Aforarcade
Bobbi Black Pinafore Shorts - Missypixie
Brown Flats - Rubi
Brown Fedora - Bangkok
Watch - Fossil

Horsecity - 100 Turf Club Road S287992

"A Horse is poetry in motion."
Author Unknown

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