Thursday 17 April 2014



So like I'm down with a 'tooth infection'. Well that's in inverted commas cause technically, it isn't called that but the dentist didn't tell me exactly what it is so let's just stick with that. I'm really nervous right now cause I need to go for a root canal treatment and when the dentist was explaining to me the whole process, I think I might have suffered from a panic attack.

Yesterday when I was at school, my front tooth started hurting like crazy. It was really weird cause just a few hours ago, I was happily munching on biscuits. The crispy kind. But during lunch, I couldn't really bite cause my tooth felt like it's going to explode. It basically felt like there's a blue black on my tooth and someone was pressing on it the whole time. I couldn't take it anymore and left school early to go straight to the dentist.

And the result? He told me that the nerve on my gum is dead. That basically means that my tooth lost its vitality. So because there are dead nerves, it attracts bacteria and hence, becomes 'infected'. The only way to really solve it is to go for the root canal treatment. He did give me painkillers though but it wasn't really helpful. Last night, I couldn't even pronounce certain words cause it would hurt my tooth. Hahaha super funny and weird but yeah.

For the next few days, all I can eat is liquid stuff. It feels like braces all over again haha! So maybe I'll lose weight over the next few days? Haha! Well but jokes aside, the pain is really killing me and I didn't go to school today. I couldn't even if I wanted to cause there's nth I can eat in school and since lessons are till 4pm, I would probably have fainted haha!

If you're curious about what causes a 'tooth infection', well, I asked my dentist too. It isn't cause of cavity. There are several reasons for it actually. It could be because I bite too hard, had strong pressure applied on my teeth aka bump my mouth, old history of 'infected tooth', hereditary etc. I don't know what the reason for mine is cause none of the above applies for me though.

On a lighter note, here's what I wore last Sunday! Featuring a mesh top from Missypixie, monochrome skirt from Bershka, my all time favourite JC espadrilles and a snapback from TTR. Recently, the mesh top/dress/skirt craze has taken over the fashion industry and my sister bought this top! It's really pretty but mesh material tends to itch. It was a little uncomfortable and I'm glad I was only out for a few hours. This skirt is my short-skirt-don't-care skirt haha! It's ultra short and I'm quite sure no one taller than me will be able to wear it.

And here's my new camera! Have always wanted a compact camera which produces quality images similar to that of a DSLR. My DSLR is just too big and heavy to be bringing it wherever I go so this is a good alternative(:

Well there's 2 more days to my treatment and thinking about the injection is just so frightening. I've nvr had one on my gum before and even those on my arm freaks me out. Ahhhhh!

Mesh Top in Black - Missypixie
Monochrome Trumpet Skirt - Bershka
Hawaii Snapback - The Tinsel Rack
Espadrilles - Jeffrey Campbell

"Without fear there cannot be courage."
Christopher Paolini


  1. HELLO I did the root canal treatment before and it's not painful at all! The dentist will inject the medicine to numb ur gum and u won't be feeling any pain etc after that! It's going to be okay so don't be nervous((((:

    1. Hello! Thank you so much for the reassurance! I think I'm just scaring myself at this point haha! Fingers crossed that everything will be alright(:

  2. Hello! :]

    I too have done the root canal treatment, not much pain involved during the treatment! The removement of the nerves will really ease up on the pain for you so you can look forward tothat. Though it be kindna like having braces as when it heals up, it be tough to chew on that area. It will take some time to finish up the entire procedure due to the healing time needed.

    You be fine :]

    1. Hi! Yeah! I felt so much better after the first treatment! Kinda wish I had done it earlier haha! I'm gng for my second treatment tmr so hopefully it'll go as smoothly as the first(:
