Thursday 23 October 2014

20 Facts You Probably Don't Know About Me


1. I don't really rmb anything that happened to me below 6 years old.

2. I grew up believing that my dad, my sister and I was stuck in a lift with our bikes when the lift suddenly got on fire (I have no idea how) and we were trapped inside and decided to jump across the fire to save ourselves.

3. I have no idea where that came from (probably a nightmare) but I thought it was real until I grew up and realised there's lots of problems with that story hahaha!

4.  My eyebrows were like inverted Nike logos before I got them trimmed (so embarrassing, I know)

5. I love hugging people but there are some friends that I like to hug more.

6. I have to clarify that that doesn't mean I don't love you as much. It's really weird. There's just smth about them.
(I love my sister a lot but I don't hug her hahaha! So you see what I mean when I say it's not cause I love them more)

7. I was a straight A student in Science in lower sec (Whaaaaat)

8. My parents were quite sure that I would go to Poly when I was in primary school cause my grades weren't so good haha!

9. But it suddenly just shoot up in secondary school and up till now, I have no idea why.

10. I actually started skipping school since I was P1... which means in 12 years of experience in pretending that I'm sick HAHAHAHA!

11. My parents wanted to migrate to Canada but decided on Singapore in the end.

12. My mum always tell me the doctor told her that she/he has nvr seen a baby with so much hair (Having really thick hair is really horrible in Singapore btw)

13. You can't promise me smth then forget about it or break it because for some weird reason, I can rmb every promise made to me.

14. Went to India on a school trip in P5 and it's absolutely a stunning county.

15. I skipped every single PE class in P4 for a whole term by saying that I didn't bring my PE attire every lesson (I think my PE teacher gave up on asking me why I'm not taking PE haha! #rebel)

16. I got my easy-going personality from my mum (:

17. I have really sensitive teeth and can't bite ice cream or froyo or anything cold!

18. I used to have migrane headache really often and the doctor thought I had a brain tumour but we ran a check and everything's fine!

19. And I fall sick quite easily so my parents were extra worried about me as a child haha!

20. I've been eating 1 ice cream everyday for the past 2 weeks cause my mum bought this really awesome Meiji ice cream and this explains why I'm now down with a flu.

"A warm smile is the universal language of kindness."
William Arthur Ward

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