As the title suggest, this post will be on Dome! I've had eaten at Dome twice. Once, almost 3 years back with Vanessa at Parkway and the second, yesterday at Scotts Square when I was out with Lynn(:
I finally met up with Lynn after sooooo long. Even though we are in the same school, we are in diff class so it's a little harder for us to meet up in school. (PS. We've been in the same school for 7 years going on to 8(: ) We also watched Star Trek yesterday. I was a little confused by the plot but overall, did understand the story. We watched at Lido and wow, the sound effects were sooooo good! Definitely was amazed and I kind of felt like I was at a stimulator ride hahaha.
Okay back to the main point. We had dinner at Dome because Lynn has nvr tried it before and we were just too tired to find another restaurant to eat at. I ordered the Aglio Olio and it wasn't that fantastic but it was okay I guess.
BUT THE MAIN POINT OF THIS POST REALLY IS OF THE CHOCOLATE LAVA CAKE. MY GOD IT'S SO GOOD THIS NEEDS TO BE IN CAPS TO CAPTURE YOUR ATTENTION. Okay hahaha now that I've gotten your attention, we ordered the Chocolate Lava with Gelato for dessert! I'm crazy over Chocolate Lava Cakes and the one at Dome is absolutely the best!!! The cake was piping hot. When I had a bite, I felt like I was drinking mega hot soup. But it was really really good! The chocolate melts in your mouth... and with the Gelato ice cream at the side, it was a perfect combination of hot and cold. Plus, it only cost $6.90. Will definitely go back one day just to eat the cake! I still rmb the very first bite that we took. Our expression was pretty much indescribable. I don't even know how to describe our priceless expressions hahaha. But we were praising the cake with every single bite.
I know it doesn't look anything close to spectacular but you know the saying it's what on the inside that counts? I know it's meant for humans but I'm gona use it for this cake! It was just so delicious and mouth watering. And now, I'm craving for the cake again. Even though it's the best thing I've ever tasted, I'm glad I shared it with Lynn cause I doubt I could have finished it by myself. It's not huge but it's really chocolaty. Best $6.90 spent ever. I'll definitely give it 3 thumbs up and you should go try too!
Well we had Takoyaki too at my favourite stall :D It's the one at Ion basement. I really love Takoyaki and will nvr get sick of it. Hehehehe. Little things that makes me happy
Oh yeah! Lynn and I coincidentally carried the same bag hahaha. I felt like we're twins or smth
''Let's face it, a nice creamy chocolate cake does a lot for a lot of people; it does for me''
Audrey Hepburn