Friday 5 April 2013

TGIF: Waffles Day :D

Love love love Fridays. I get to end school at 12.30pm and only have 3h of lessons :D Well anw, rmb how I said I'd love to get some waffles, I finally managed to get some! Jolene and I went to Marble Slab Creamery and their waffles are amazing! So glad to be able to finally try em. Waffles makes me happy(: I can't describe how good it tastes but let's hope these pictures can explain it to you.

The waffles tastes so good! We took a really long time to choose the flavours for the ice cream though. There were just too many choices! Peach, strawberry, red velvet and many more! We finally decided on double dark chocolate and peanut butter ice cream. It's a really good combi so if you can't decide what flavour to get, get these 2 flavours(: We also got to choose if we wanted hershey or maple syrup. Being chocolate lovers, we went with hershey syrup! I'm really glad we chose to share the waffle cause the portion is really too big for 1 person. Wondering what I should try out next...

The branch that we went to was at the basement of I12. It's a really small shop but we didn't have trouble finding seats. Probably cause everyone is either at school or at work. I actually like going to I12 even though there isn't anything much there cause it's nvr crowded and it's really cold in there. Well here's a retarded photo of Jolene and I to end of this post hehehe

Marble Slab Creamery - 112 East Coast Road #B1-25 Singapore 428802

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